Sunday, June 29, 2008

Caution--Contents Will Break Under Pressure

Sorry it has taken us so long to make a blog entry.  We have had exciting things to write about The most exciting is I broke my collarbone.  You would be surprised how much we use that bone. So I have been in a sling for the past week and still have another two weeks to go.  I broke it at a water park here in Utah.  Apparently when you fall off your tube in an enclosed slide you are not supposed to hit the wall at high speeds -- go figure.  So I have been out of commission and been feeling especially worthless, but Lauren has been so helpful and supportive.

I also got a MacBook.  This is the best decision I have made since I married Lauren.  I even made a movie to put on YouTube from our wedding that I'm quite proud of, the web address can be found below.  If you do watch it I only ask that you give us compliments, I don't deal with criticism too well.  

Lauren has been studying away.  She is taking her 3rd CPA exam in a couple weeks.  Outside of that she has been helping her vegetable husband. She helps me get dressed, get cleaned and about everything else. What a girl!

Lauren's mom and step-dad are coming here this week and so are my parents.  It will be awesome to see them both and we promise to take lots a pictures.


Kristina said...

That has to be so scary to suffer a fall like that. I am glad that you are ok! Good luck to Lauren on her CPA exams!

Marissa said...

I loved the YouTube video. Way to go Steven, it was amazing!

Allison said...

Hey Steven! I'm so glad you have a blog! I found it on Kristina's blog. Sorry to read about your collar bone. Hope all is well now!