Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A Fun Weekend...

Lauren took her second part of the CPA exam on Saturday. It was such a relief for her -and me- to finally be finished. She had worked so hard and studied so much. We will keep you updated on the results (even though we all know she aced it). Afterwards we took a break and went up to Salt Lake City. Lydia had gotten us a gift card to a cute place called Ruth's Diner. It was fun and good. I even ate a mushroom sandwich, it made me feel very trendy to eat a vegetarian dinner. We then went and joined some of the classiest people in Utah at an Utah Blaze, Arena Football game. It is professional indoor football league, the field is only 50 yards and it is meant to be more high scoring. It was interesting and so much fun that we left at halftime. But on the way down we went to Sonic and rekindled our love for the Lemon Berry slushy. We highly recommend this delectable treat, it is the perfect combination of sweet and sour, all for a very low price. It was a nice escape and it was great to spend the day together.

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